Board of Directors
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Do You Want to Contribute?
If you think working with the community is fun, wait until you start working with a group of other board members! We're passionate about helping promote the Quincy Area and all businesses. There are many ways you can help out.
Want to Feature Your Business?
Visit the Member Directory to see examples of some other Quincy Valley Business listings.
Members can submit news about their businesses to add to our website, attach to the monthly newsletters, and more. If you are a member and you have news that you would like to share with the community, submit it here.
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Join the Chamber and share your ideas for how to improve the community, local business and more. We're always open to suggestions, although we're likely to be sceptical of large-scale suggestions without statistics to back it up.
Join any of the Local Groups and bring your personal expertise to the community.
These are just a few ways you can contribute. You can also contribute by becoming a Board Member.
Board Members
President: Rebecca Ayala
Representing: Desert Sun Dental
Past President: Fernando Avalos
Representing: Fernando’s Barbershop
President Elect: Tom Richardson
Representing: Quincy Valley Medical Center
Director: Patrick (Pat) Haley
Representing: City of Quincy
Director: Gigi Lowry
Representing: Microsoft
Director: Tom Parrish
Representing: Windermere Real Estate
Director: Megan Pereira
Representing: Washington Trust Bank - Quincy Branch
Director: Crystal Cruz
Representing: Quincy Partnership for Youth
Director: Riley Sundberg
Representing: Raceway Technology & Manufacturing
Director: Manny Rodriguez
Representing: NCW Tech Alliance
Director: Heath Kaech
Representing: Vantage Data Center
Executive Director: Catalina Blancas
Executive Assistant Director: Nicole Prado Toledo